Monday, October 2, 2017

Make Phone Cell Battery Charger

Electric Circuit for Phone Cell Battery Charger

For the time being we all use phone that always need battery charger after use for certain time. Actually the development of technology already made a better battery that can keep power longer time, but phone cell activity like many application are running on and for this also much more consume power. Battery charger also sold in cellular shop cheap because this product already mass produce by big company like from China.

By the way we can make phone cell charger by ourselves if we want to do, or want to repair your battery charger because can’t stand for longer time. The basic theory of electric can convert from AC to DC electric current. We also know that the frequency of household normally 60 Hz. This conversion can draw as follows:

Electric Wave from AC to DC

Those alternating current then connected to electric transformer to reduce the voltage and several diode to make electric current become direct current. For phone cell usually use 9 volt out put from transformer and we set after flow out from electric converter become 5 volt DC Current.

And then after through electric circuit that arrange using four Diode the electric frequency become like the below diagram.

Complete Diagram of AC/DC converter

The above circuit need other part called as Capacitor that keep electric current slow up and slow down when there is electric shock in or out. This capacitor can make the profile of electric current more even not like wave up and down. Using capacitor can make the DC current more stable not up and down and no electric shock when the plug is cut off from electric source, and after install in PCB will look like as below.

AC/DC Adapter