Thursday, September 21, 2017

Make Electric Circuit On PCB Coppercoat plate

Prepare chemicals and tools need for make electric circuit over coppercoat plate

Printed Circuit Board or PCB is a plastic sheet that coated with copper which is copper have very good electric conductivity. Over this PCB we create a circuit that connect of every legs of electric component in order can flow electric current through circuit board. Through PCB we can connected each component that is needed to connect and release an electric current as we propose.

To make electric circuit over PCB we need the following parts:

  1. Blank PCB single layer
  2. Ferro-chloride Powder ( the solution of this powder is functioned to dilute copper that is stick on PCB)
  3. Iron
  4. Photo paper
  5. Wash basin
  6. Nippers
  7. Mini Drill
After all the above material provide then we ready to the next step.

Make Electric Circuit Layout On PCB Copperplate

To create simple layout of electric circuit on PCB we can download from the computer of many electric circuit for an purpose. After we got the circuit layout then we can print on photo paper or on calendar paper. To print this we better use laser printer to make a smooth line. To print this layout we can just rent on photo copy rental to make cheap. The sample of printing result as on the below picture.

Electric Circuit Sampel

Other Electric Circuit
  1. Prepare blank PCB and clean the surface with alcohol or other cleaning solution like thinner and let it dry.
  2. Stick the printed paper with drawing face to the copperplate layer of PCB.
  3. Use adhesive tape to make this paper don’t move from the blank PCB
  4. Cover it again with paper like newspaper
  5. Ironing the newspaper for about 3 minutes, set the thermostat of ironing in about ¼ of the total hot setting in order not too hot. If the iron too hot the drawing can be blurred on the PCB and make bad electric circuit.
  6. Dipped into the hot water for about 2 minutes to open paper that stick to the PCB easily. From this process you will get electric circuit drawing over the PCB, clean all paper that still stick on the PCB carefully. If the drawing don’t perfectly or there is a disconnected line, you can repair this line using permanent ink.
  7. Let the PCB dry
  8. Use wash basin from plastic or ceramic and put in them Ferro Chloride solution. Basin wide must enough to put in the PCB in the bath. To make the solution of Ferro Chloride put hot water one liter and mixed with 2 food spoon of Ferro Chloride powder. Stir this mixing until all Ferro Chloride diluted.
  9. Put into this solution PCB with electric circuit and shake the PCB until the rest of copper but the copper with electric circuit line is not dilute.
  10. After the rest of coppercoat is finished wash with water to clean the solution.
  11. Clean the PCB plate with sand paper to make ink that stick to the board is removed.
  12. Clean again with water and let it dry.
  13. Drill the board for each electric component which will put electric components.
  14. Done