Currently how to set up email on phone very easy because all phone generally already have automatic feature not like long ago. Nokia 5310 Xpress Music have email feature and able to access email from POP3 or IMAP4. Using this email feature you can read, write and send email directly from this mobile phone. This email application is different with the function of sms email.
Before you can setup email on your new phone cell, you must have email account first that is subscribe through internet, for example from Yahoo, then you must arrange right away. To make sure the availability of your email feature you can contact your cellular operator, you can receive email message configuration automatically.
Email Setup Wizard
Using the email setup wizard, you can access email automatically, if the email configuration do not arrange first. To start the setup wizard for an additional email account, select Menu >>; Messaging and the existing email account. Select Option >>; Add mailbox to start the email setup wizard. Follow the instructions on the display.
Write and Send an e-mail
To write an email, select Menu >>; Messaging >>; Create message >>; Email message. To attach the file into email, select Option >>; Insert. To send the email press the call key. Select the desired account if necessary.
Download Email
To select the retrieve mode, select Menu >>; Messaging >>; Message Setting >>; Email >>; Messages > Edit mailboxes and the desired mailbox, and Downloading sett. >>; Retrieve mode.
To download an email select Menu >>; Messaging and the desired mailbox; confirm the query for connection if necessary.