Monday, September 2, 2013

Blackberry Market Down

Blackberry market is down in Indonesia as reported by, an Indoneian News media. Some strategy of blackberry team manager will be taken for anticipating this condition. Four action will be an option taken like no further strategic action and continuing to the first planning, second to make line strategic with other company that any possibility working together on patent licence and aplication, third to make joint venture company, fourth to sell the company.

As my oppinion Blackberry is too static on model, no new innovation of phone model so this condition make Blackberry is not prefer by new costumer that more intense to view style. The model more prefer to Android phone like Samsung Android that more fashionable than Blackberry.

Look to the newest Indonesian Blackberry from the expensive to the medium prices as on the below picture:

Black Berry Q10

Black Berry Q10 still with old moder

Black Berry Z10, expensive but using old model

Blackberry Indonesia, cheap price but with old model.